Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Yoo 512 - Family Pic Bloopers and Back From Camping

Our dog is so cooperative in photos.

We just rolled into town from a 4-day camping trip, just in time for Greg to go to his first class of fall semester. Boy was it glorious being in those canyons! Of course I wasn't ready to leave and could have stayed there "forever". Mostly because we had our queen-size air mattress and access to showers.


I'll primitive camp when I have to, but it's super nice to play hard all day yet spend the nights clean and comfortable!

There is laundry and unpacking to do and sooooo many stories to tell. Up-front warning, I WILL be breaking my NO PHOTOS OF SNAKES policy, because we ran into not one but TWO rattlesnakes while hiking and those experiences are going to be best told with the accompanying photos.

It was scary and exciting!

Work for me and classes for Greg tomorrow. Back to reality.

Have a great day :-)


Nicole Jessop said...

You should put some sort of warning in the title of the post with snake pictures so I know to cover it as I read without having to see it

Kyoo said...

Haha don't worry! That is DEFINITELY the plan. My biggest peeve about snake pictures is that they show up without warning. I need to brace myself!