Thursday, June 20, 2013

Yoo 490 - Dog Park

Watching the Spurs game is just stressful right now. I'm blogging to pass the time.

Roscoe got thru all of his vaccinations like a champ last Friday so we were finally  able to venture to the dog park with a few less worries.

Since then we've been to the dog park 4 times. The dog park is quickly becoming one of my favorite places. It's shaded and there are dogs. Kindling for a mood boost. But more importantly, an easy way for my 80 pound energy bomb to diffuse.

Exhibit A of said energy bomb: he broke free of his crate this week. A large, sturdy metal crate. I had started crating him on the weekdays while I was at work since he always escaped the kitchen. Lo and behold he can escape the crate. I went home for lunch on Wednesday and he was prancing about the house while his crate was half-open and drug almost entirely into a different room. How is that even possible? I'm going to have to put padlocks on that thing! And bolt it to the floor!

If this dog is any indication of what my kids will be like, I'm kind of excited for them. Roscoe is crazy and I love it. His crazy is fun.

This dude is my favorite thing.

^^ "the car is my favorite thing!"

^^ "hey, uh, just wondering...are we there yet?"

 ^^ "we're not there yet..."

^^ "you want to take a picture of my eyeball?"

 ^^ "oh boy we're here!"

 ^^ "friend!"

 ^^ "friend! friend! friend!"

^^ "i can ruuuuuuuuuun!"

 ^^ "i smell good?"

 ^^ "the dog park is my favorite thing."

Have a great day :-)


Brina Bear said...

he is soooooo precious!

Nicole Jessop said...

I can't believe he broke out of his crate! Chalco does that, but not Gibbs. Better keep an eye on him! I love all of your Roscoe posts, by the way!