Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Yoo 510 - He's Adopted

^^ i'm going on an adventure! ^^

^^ hey guys, this is my "i'm about to be really bad" look ^^

 ^^ restraining dork dog around the ducks ^^

^^ that was fun! we should go everyday! ^^

We took Roscoe canoeing at Zilker Park in Austin on Saturday. It went about as well as expected.

Roscoe scared several walkers on the trail as we approached them from behind. I'm assuming it was his strained, heavy breathing. His excitement had him in a tug-of-war with that darn leash.

Then it was a wrestle to get him in the canoe. He wasn't sure what to think about it...especially when we started pushing away from shore.

His doggie senses went off. Abandon ship!!

Greg was the lucky one to hop out after him and heft him back into the canoe.

After that it was somewhat smooth sailing for a while. At least as smooth as you can get in a canoe with an 80-pound canine shifting from side to side. Someone chose to ignore their sit command...

So we rowed, rowed, rowed our boat, gently along. Passerbys were pointing at the cute dog canoeing, turtles were sunbathing on logs, and Greg was trying to establish an efficient paddle rotation.

"You just switched sides after 4, I thought you were doing every 5?"

"I don't know. I'm just kind of rowing!"

All was fun. And then Roscoe saw a duck. Actually, 5 ducks.


There was no stopping him and no warning. Right in the middle of the lake, our dog jumped overboard after the ducks. I managed to grab hold of his leash in the water before he got too far.

We took a few minutes to join the hordes of people ashore who were laughing hysterically at our plight while Roscoe doggie-paddled us along at a pretty good clip. Eventually we steered back to shore and hefted him back into the canoe. He mostly stayed put after that. Lesson learned?

The next bit of fun was taking him to a dog park along the creek. All of the other dogs were happily splashing about next to their owners.

Not Roscoe. He got off leash and tore around the park, seemingly testing just how close he could rip past people and pets without actually hitting them. There was no containing his excitement. I got to follow around his little path of destruction and apologize for him.

"Sorry! He's adopted..."

Dork dog had a blast. We had a blast. It was a fun morning.

Have a great day :-)


Elizabeth said...


Oh, Roscoe... :)

Kyoo said...

I thoroughly appreciate each "ha"
That is some keyboard endurance!